Big rebuild for libpng and libjpeg hits Arch

Many Arch Linux users are hitting issues with the updates for libpng and libjpeg. This update required us to rebuild about 15% of our packages so the mirrors are struggling to sync. I’d recommend waiting for a day or two, or finding an up-to-date mirror. Also, this update will require you to rebuild any packages from the AUR or unofficial repos that link to those libraries. If you run into issues:

  • Check the problem package is up to date (using the package search on the Arch Linux web-site)
  • Check the binary files in the package using readelf -d file. If that does not show or, that package is not the problem.
  • Try finding the problem package using the lddd script from the devtools package.
  • If you are certain this is because of a package in the Arch Linux repos, file a bug report.

Or you could just ignore all that and rebuild cairo-lcd as that is probably your issue…

3 thoughts on “Big rebuild for libpng and libjpeg hits Arch

  1. “Or you could just ignore all that and rebuild cairo-lcd as that is probably your issue…”

    😀 Couldn’t help but laugh at that one. It always is…

  2. Libjpeg causes troubles second time;) Last one was with libjpeg v.6 – > v.7 migration.

  3. Here is a little script which helped me to figure out which packages I will need to rebuild (from AUR or custom):


    packages=$(pacman -Qm | awk ‘{print $1}’ | xargs);

    for package in $packages; do
    result=$(pacman -Qi $package | grep -i “libpng|libjpeg”);
    if [ -n “$result” ]; then
    echo $package;