I was going to add a pastebin to my site (for reasons I can not determine other than “because”), but that ended up being too much effort. Then I remembered that GNU Source Highlight can output HTML… So here is my pastebin client in less than ten lines of bash!
file=$(mktemp ~/web/paste/XXXXXX)
[[ ! -z "$1" ]] && lang="-s $1"
cat - > ${file}.in
source-highlight -i ${file}.in -o ${file} ${lang}
rm ${file}.in
lftp -e "put -O /dir/to/paste ${file}; bye"
-u user,password sftp://example.com
echo "http://example.com/paste/${file##*/}"
Done. Just use “foo | pastebin” to send the output of foo to the web. Or for files, use “pastebin < file". If auto-detection of highlighting style is bad, just use "pastebin <lang>" with one of the supported languages. The seemingly wasteful cat is because GNU source highlight can not autodetect the style from a pipe if it is not provided.
I do the same with my own pastebin implementation https://github.com/abique/paste-binouse
And I have the following bash function to past:
function paste-binouse-send()
if [[ -z “$src” || “$src” = “-” ]] ; then
cat >”$src”
if [[ ! -r “$src” ]] ; then
mime_type=$(file –mime-type “$src” | cut -f 2 -d ‘ ‘)
curl -D “$hdr” –data-urlencode “content-type=${mime_type}”
–data-urlencode “content@${src}” “$host”
echo “$host”$(sed -n ‘s/location: (.*)/1/p’ “$hdr”)
rm -rf “$hdr”
if [[ $temp -eq 1 ]] ; then
rm -f “$src”
Oh but bash is so slow. I want moaarrr speeeed. Use C instead 😉
Thank you for the idea! I never thought to access pastebin with a script. Actually now I’m thinking about
accessing other website with scripts. I’m interested by your script because I could use pastebin in
the future. Just one question: why did you choose a filename of the form
mktemp ~/web/paste/XXXXXX
? Is it because it’s required by pastebin ? Can’t we use for example
This is not a script for pastebin.com or and publicly available pastebin service. There are plenty of those available already.
And you can pick any directory you want. That is just where I store my web files.
Ok, thank you!