Final collection of links for the year…
Software related:
- More posts on secure boot
- i386 support was dropped from the Linux kernel, which immediately sparked a discussion about dropping it from GCC (glibc has not for a long time)
- After several moths of discussion, eudev was officially announced
- A new release of the GNU C Library was announced (and is in the Arch repos)
- As was the release of LLVM 3.2
- A summary of C 2011 standard implementation status and why GNU should allow it
- The Wikipedia visual editor went live
Thinks happening in other Linux distributions:
- The Linux Format comparison of Linux distribtions (mentioned a few months back) was made available on-line
- But should OpenSUSE Tumbleweed have beaten Arch?
- A stroy about the history of the HURD
- Debian’s m86k port got some love
- Chakra fixed the bug I found in their installer
- A Manjaro demonstrated why automatically updating config files is bad – read the command they run for good entertainment value…
It was a month for some good rants:
- RMS does not like Ubuntu’s spyware…
- But he is childish, or maybe not!
- Anonymous bug reports are fun!
- GnuTLS is moving away from GNU and the maintainer of sed and grep feels the same way
- I am not sure if I understand what a Manjaro Linux release means
And because it is the end of the year:
- We moved ever so slowly into the future
There are really some Interesting links. Thx.